12 March 2015

Thanks guys !

This is my first try in blogging.
I started this ‘project’ of a kind to write about my experience in creating my first ever Ruby GEM ! (DAM DAM DAMMM).
This was a fun and educating experience, and I especially was amazed by the great feedback from people on the ruby mailing list and the ruby IRC channel on freenode.

How did it all start ?

One sunny morning an email arrived from Safe-T’s server developer, the email stated:
Our new product Safe-T Box has a new REST based API, it is your duty (mine alone…) to create a usage example of this new API using a language of your choice.
As I already had some experience with ruby (automation and scripting for our servers) the choice was clear.

Planning (or the lack thereof..)

The first thing I did was thinking about What I need for this to work:

  • Ruby REST client implementation
  • API Docs from the server developer

now what ?

Create a basic Ruby method to contact the server and output some data:

# Lets require the needed gem

require 'rest-client'

# Now, lets build a basic call using the supplied API

def iVerifyUserAccount
    method: :post,
    url: 'https://isafe-t.com/ui_api/login.aspx',
    headers: {
      servletRequestID: 'MethodRequest',
      BusinessLogic: "{Username:'', Password:'', RoleID: '00003', ExtensionID: 'mobile', iVerifyUserAccount: ['test', '1234', true]}"

Running the above example resulted in the right output, nice ! looks like Ruby is super easy ha ?
So… what now ? apparently robotically recreate each method for each call to the API
This what the code looked like: Very ugly code
As I’m not a expert or even formally educated programmer, for me this was it.
I thought to myself, Yey ! project done, lets ask the guys at ruby-talk for inputs (and inputs I got..)
I got allot of responses but basically this was it:

  • Respect Ruby Conventions !
    • Use 2 space for indentation (I used 4)
    • Name methods with snake_case (I used original method names such as “iVerifyUserAccount”)
  • Optimize Code !
    • Get rid of the repeating code (reuse string, methods, trim the code)
    • Use initializer to get instance data (my .new didn’t allow any arguments to be passed)
  • Documents !
  • Tests !

So lets go to work !

  • Create one method which sends the required changing string
def send_request(request_string)
    method: :post,
    url: @url,
    headers: {
      servletRequestID: 'MethodRequest',
      BusinessLogic: "{Username:'', Password:'', RoleID: '#{@role_id}', ExtensionID: '#{@extension_id}', #{request_string}}"
  • Create each unique method to use this new “send_request” method
def iVerifyUserAccount
  send_request("iVerifyUserAccount: ['#{@user_name}', '#{@password}', true]")
  • Nope… Apply Ruby conventions !
def verify_user_account
  send_request("iVerifyUserAccount: ['#{@user_name}', '#{@password}', true]")

Ohh yeah ! much better !!!

  • Let the user initialize with arguments
def initialize(config_hash={})
  @extension_id = config_hash[:extension_id]
  @user_name = config_hash[:user_name]
  @password = config_hash[:password]
  @url = config_hash[:url]
  @role_id = config_hash[:role_id]

Thanks again for all your help and support !

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